How can I build variable at run time in PHP?

December 20, 2010 | In: php, web development

Mostly time we need to create some variables at run time. because we do not want to write same line. For example you have an array like :

$user_details = array(
		'name'	=> 'test1',
		'email'	=> '',
		'phone_number' => '1234567890'

and you want to make run time variable like :

$name = 'test1';
$email = '';
$phone_number = '1234567890';

Mostly developers do this type of mistake:

foreach ( $user_details as $key => $value ) {
	echo "$" . $key  . "=" . $value[0] . '

It will show :

$name = test1
$email =;
$phone_number = 1234567890

But these are not variables because when you try to print $name in the file then it will not show a result.
So for this you can use {} to create run time variables* :

foreach ( $user_details as $key => $value ) {
	echo ${$key} = $value;

It will print same output what you want. and also when you print $name, $email or $phone_number then it will print its value.

*Note : $key value must be follow variable naming rules.