Magento comes with many folders and its structure is complex. In general, it is not easy to find the perfect file to edit for a specific section. Because there may be many folders with same name in different directories.
you are thinking then What is template path hints?
Template path hints is just a tags which provides a correct path to edit any section. It may be use for frontend or backend.
To view the hints, you have to enable this functionality in the admin panel. default, it set...
In default magento setup, product rating is not showing on product detail page while in the demo you see that rating is showing. Don't worry about this. we show you how you can enable rating system by following below steps:
1. Log in to admin panel
2. Go to Catalog > Reviews and Ratings > Manage Ratings
3. You will see there are three attributes are showing. Means user can give rating on price basis, quality basis, or Value basis. Also you can add new attribute by pressing 'Add...
Free & open source, high-performance, distributed memory object caching system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load.
Memcached is an in-memory key-value store for small chunks of arbitrary data (strings, objects) from results of database calls, API calls, or page rendering.
Memcached is simple yet powerful. Its simple design promotes quick deployment, ease of development, and solves many problems facing large data...
Magento provides log file to maintain each type of error on your application. By this you can add log error or exception to magento's system log file. Its very handy to view coding errors. Developing for Magento is often hard, especially since it’s not always possibly to have error reporting on (and even when it is on, its hard to find exactly what’s wrong!).
There are some steps to manage log errors:
Step-1: Go to Admin > Configuration > Developer > Log Settings > Enabled
and set...
Zend provides JOIN, joinLeft, joinRight keywords to join two or multiple tables. you can make an sql object by calling select function of current model by:
$select = $this->getDbTable()->select();
Use below line to use JOIN terms in your SQL:
By default its integrity value set to True and it do not allow to use join with multiple tables. We set to False and then we can use JOIN.
Zend provides a facility to delete a row from the database table using the delete() method. This method takes one argument, which is an SQL expression that is used in a WHERE clause, as criteria for the rows to delete.
For example :
$modelObj = new ModelName();
$where = $modelObj >getAdapter()->quoteInto('id = ?', '1235');
$modelObj >delete($where);
The second argument can be an array of SQL expressions. The expressions are combined as Boolean terms using an AND operator.
Today's market is based on 3D and most things are doing by jQuery or Javascript to make fast loading application. Opacity is a part of CSS to make transparent image without PNG format. To set the opacity property to an image you can use:
.img_transparent_class{ opacity: 0.5; }
But this line will suitable for some latest browsers and it will not show effects in some browsers like IE 7 and IE8, etc.
To apply in all browsers you can follow:
.img_transparent_class {
/* IE 8 */
Wordpress is a powerfull tool for blog and it keep all data in serialize format and user can easily get these values from database by get_option() function. But some time we need to use unserialize function to get some specific value from the string. So we simply use unserialize function on stored string and get value.
Wordpress provides many type of widgets and some widgets provide interaction with social networks like linkedin, facebook, etc. and wordpress store its related value as...
Joomla 1.5 version provides facility to set page title for each page. But some times we do not need to show this page title on the page or can say that we want to change this page title. To do this process follow below steps:
Go to Menu >> Main Menu
Click on Main menu link in the Menus tab. You will redirect to all menus listing page.
Click on Home link, you will redirect to Edit page of Home link.
Here, you can edit the page title. and also if you do not want to show this...
If you are new to Joomla then you will do this silly mistake definitely. because in most cases new user don't aware from all terms of joomla and its admin panel. Joomla created for best content management system and during write the code, developers kept in mind each small users requirements.
When you are creating an article and filled all information like article title, its description and also selected its section and category. Also you have assigned this article to a link in menu. But...
Joomla is a best custom management open source tool. It provides many type of functionality regarding theme, module and components. During development time we need to create some special function to use on home page only. or we can say that sometimes we want to show something (content) on the home page only. Joomla says Front page to the Home page in development environment. you can see the code in below:
In windows we can easily find the any file in the folder and it doesn't matter that how many folders inside that folder.. and it is possible by pressing F3 key on the keyboard. But in the linux we have to use command prompt to find such type of searching.
In ubuntu we can do by following command:
sudo grep -ir "keyword" .
To run this command we need to go in the particular folder first. then we will run this command by terminal. Grep will search the keyword which typed in double quoted...
In many cases we add content in the database with replacing all html tags into special characters. But it generate problems when we want to show at front side. So here we are giving a best solution to show result as HTML:
function __htmlConvertor($str)
$string = str_replace(array("<", ">", '&', ''', '"','<', '>'), array("<", ">",'&','\'','"','<','>'), htmlspecialchars_decode($str, ENT_NOQUOTES));
return $string;
Above function takes the string from...
When you install the phpmotion on your system you will find that captcha code is not showing on registration page.
open includes/captcha.php and replace
var $font = 'DoradoHeadline.ttf';
var $font = './DoradoHeadline.ttf';
To view any changes in php.ini file or some LAMP server files we should restart the apache server again. and you can do this by following commands:
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start
Above both commands will stop the apache server and start again. But you can do restart apache server by single command only:
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
We are assuming that you have installed LAMP on your ubuntu operating system. But you are not getting errors in php files when file has any syntax or fatal error. So you see these errors by following below steps:
Open you php.ini file by below command:
sudo gedit /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
First confirm your php.ini file location by phpinfo.
display_errors = Off
and change this line by
display_errors = On and save and close.
restart your apache by below...
In many cases we do not want make two buttons to show or hide a same div area. for example expand and collspan method. jQuery provides a simple technique to check div id is already shown or hidden.
Create a div are on which you want to do operation:
Click on me
Content will be here!!!
Then make a function in the javascript in your head tag.
function __showHideFullDetail(divID) {
if ( jQuery('#' + divID).is(':hidden') ) {
jQuery('#' + divID).show('slow');
} else...